Wednesday, February 24, 2010

[Sh]it's Coming Down!

With another wintery-mix weekend heading our way, I could understand the need for long-johns, hot chocolate, rock salt, and a vow to not leave the house for 72 hours.

BUT you would be MISSING OUT!

Take a bundled stroll over to the Dumbo Art Center and thank Brokelyn for an affordable three day show of affordable pop-art. I think a little hair frizz matched with some galoshes is worth some possibly valuable (in a few years) but absolutely necessary art for your bare walls. Think of it as a future investment in more insulation dividing you from the cold (and at least you didn't buy it from Urban Outfitters)!

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Putting the O Back in H2O

Maybe you've noticed something different about the Gowanus Canal, namely a huge pipe running between the 3rd Street Bridge and the Carroll Street Bridge. Well, they're not there to pump any gunk out, they're there to pump oxygen in. The New York City Department of Environmental Protection has installed the pipes to maintain oxygen levels while the Flushing Tunnel is closed down for maintenance. At least they're not just letting it all go to shit.