Saturday, October 24, 2009

[Sh]it's going down

Check it out, "Think Globally. Laugh Locally," an event where Brooklyn comedians perform for local "Brooklyners."

Location: Vox Pop (1022 Cortelyou Road).

When: Saturday Nov 21, 2009 at 9pm.

Price: Free!
Vox Pop serves coffee, tea, beer, wine and edible calories.

It's local, so come check it out!

Friday, October 23, 2009

the daily [mis]haps

It's time for some music (all the time)! It's been a long week, so feel free to click the youtube links below and dance (with yourself) around your apartment...with or without clothing...

CMJ update! Get some backstage background from our beloved New York Times.

PLUG! Go see indie's new little lords Cymbals Eat Guitars tomorrow (10/24) before they blast off to Europe and play with the likes of Wilco and The Flaming Lips

Maybe that's too much noise...

Shopping therapy and zen retail may help. Head over to Thrifty Couture in Red Hook and breathe in the used leather for three counts and then slowly exhale your week's miseries.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

the daily [mis]haps

There was a time before repairmen, before the giant silver platter we call mass-production served us our every whim for the low low price of a five minute walk to the convenience store. Well, it's time to put those opposable thumbs to good use at The Fixer's Collective. Have a broken anything? Evil wire-breathing umbrella?Whip out those tools every Thursday at Proteus Gowanus and rediscover what it means to be self-reliant.

Maybe too hands-on and not enough indie-glam to satisfy your needs? Check out the Brooklyn Indie Market in Carroll Gardens, where this saturday you can witness the steampunk fashion show.

If you have yet to take advantage of the musicopia of indie bands inundating New York as part of the CMJ Music Festival, then you owe it to your indie-deprived ears to hit up the FREE show tonight at the Bell House hosted by the Gothamist and Brooklyn Based.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

The daily [mis]haps

Watch those purses and pockets (and eyeglasses apparently) because this past week several intriguing duos have been robbing shops throughout Park Slope. 

1. The first occurred in a shoe store, in which two women teamed up to steal an employee's purse.

2. The second, a tax return service. (The clearly unintelligent perp stole a smartphone and was followed by police until he finally caught on and turned it off.)

3. As for the third, who would think to hold up at Eyeglass store? Three men held up Cohen's Fashion Optical, announcing a stickup and stealing seventy pairs of eyeglasses. 

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

the daily [mis]haps

Bag that Brownstone! Rents plummet in Brooklyn...and everywhere else, but we do it better on this side of the East River: parks and music and bikes...

...Cheesecake, maybe not.

At least there will always be the neighborhood bar! Unless you're counting on 230 Fifth Ave...we know it wasn't the rent that did Playa and Cabana Bar in.

The makings of a horror flick or Lifetime movie...

Starting in November of 2009 two very clever gentlemen will cash in on Park Slope's unswerving devotion to nostalgia. Milkmen Matt Marone and Frank Acosta began delivering milk to the well-heeled, Leave it to Beaver fans of Manhattan earlier this year and are expanding their business to Brownstone Brooklyn. At 4.99 a quart their customers certainly seem to be looking for something more than a daily dose of calcium. Sure it's nice to think of the return of the friendly Milkman, but what other changes might we see come to Park Slope?

Will housewives go from this to this?

Will fathers go from this back to this?

Kids will start calling their elders Mister and Ma'am. People will say Golly! and Jee Whillakers!

Divorce rates will plummet, women will stop working and stay home, kids will bounce balls, Utopoia!!!

....or we'll just be able to get some really expensive milk delivered to our door.

If you're interested in getting the skinny on home-delivered skim, check out the Daily News article on these two fine gentlemen. I, myself, am lactose intolerant.

Monday, October 19, 2009

the daily [mis]haps

The Democratic National Committee is opening up the floor for citizens like this Cobble Hill resident to argue why we should pass the healthcare reform ASAP. If hearing it directly from a melanoma patient doesn't get the point across, I'm not sure what will. But if you think you can make the winning argument, have a go at your 30-seconds of fame and enter the contest!